Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellow
Erica Smith, MD
My main Research involves Placenta Accreta Spectrum and includes the following three projects with Drs. Helen Jones and Mehmet Genc.
- The effect of cryopreservation agents on HTR8/SVNeo migration, proliferation, and invasion. HTR8/SVNeo cells were exposed to common cryopreserving agents (CPA). This experiment resulted in the following conclusion: HTR8-SVneo cell migration is impaired after exposure to CPA; however, this is independent of proliferation. This project is completed and in the editing phase.
- Immunohistochemical analysis of placenta accreta spectrum. I am currently evaluating placenta specimens from groups: control, IVF associated, non-C/S scar accreta, Stage 2 basal plate myometrial fibers, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 accretas) for expression of HSP27, HSP60, HSP70, HSP90 and Serpina1 in a semi-quantative method. The placentas will be scored for the intensity of staining and then comparisons made between the groups. I have approximately 1 week left of staining on this project and then hours of analyzing images to follow but am hoping to finish the analysis by March.
Translational Research project. I have been collecting for approx 10 months samples of urine, blood, and cervicovaginal fluid from patients identified as at risk for PAS. Currently, I have samples from 11 accreta specimens, 6 Controls, and 5 patients who remain pregnant at this point. I plan to complete a biomarker study of the samples as the final phase of my research goals. I hope to finish collecting samples by summer which will give me some time next year to finish this project.