Department Mission: We provide the highest quality, patient-centered care that improves lives across communities to address the full spectrum of health conditions in obstetrics and gynecology, and we further advance women’s health through excellence in research and advocacy. We educate learners at all levels through innovation and evidence-based approaches.
Mission Statement for General: The University of Florida Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology will be recognized as a leader regionally, nationally, and internationally in women’s health and reproductive medicine, and will be considered among the best anywhere in delivering excellence in clinical care, education, and research.
Mission Statement for Clinical Care: The University of Florida Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology will be viewed as a national leader in clinical excellence providing seamless patient-centered care delivered with equity in access and producing high-quality outcomes.
Mission Statement for Education: The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology will be a leader among the departments of the College of Medicine and nationally for education in all areas of women’s health, inspiring scholars, trainees, and students through evidence-based learning and with innovative programs while incorporating cultural awareness and humility in all we do.
Mission Statement for Research: The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology will be a world leader in the development of innovative collaborative research that engages both individuals and teams in order to understand disease and health, identify disease treatments, improve patient outcomes, and apply new approaches to population health for women.