Our department’s mission is to provide the best patient care possible with compassion and understanding, educating tomorrow’s physicians and making scientific breakthroughs in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.
For many years we have been ranked by US News and World Report as one of the top 50 departments of ObGyn in the nation. This is just one reflection of our high standard of patient care, teaching and research. With over 50,000 patient visits a year in our clinics, almost 3,000 deliveries a year, gynecologic surgery, oncology and infertility services, we are a very busy and highly successful department. Even with such a busy clinical service, we have been able to maintain a highly personalized approach to each patient and were recently awarded a five star award for patient satisfaction. Clinical and basic research funding has enabled us to push the science of medicine to the leading edge. We pride ourselves as one of the leaders in ObGyn. Our faculty, resident physicians and staff look forward to serving you in whatever capacity you need.