Our Urogynecology program at the University of Florida, provides individualized care, taking into account the priorities, capabilities and concerns of each patient. We believe that involving the patient in her health care decisions is the best way to achieve maximal therapeutic benefit. Because of that vision, we offer non-surgical treatments as well as minimally invasive and complete pelvic reconstructive procedures.
Non-Surgical Treatments
- Behavioral and Dietary Modifications
Certain foods and drinks can worsen bladder and bowel symptoms while others can improve bothersome symptoms - Bladder Re-Training
- Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Pessary Fitting and Maintenance
Surgical Treatments
- Sling Procedures for Urinary Incontinence
- Sling Removal/Revision
- Urethral Bulking Procedure for Urinary Incontinence
- Sacroneuromodulation (Interstim)
- Urethrolysis
- Obstetrical Laceration Repair/Revision
- Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery(including vaginal, laparoscopic and robotic procedures) is designed to re-establish the support of the pelvic organs including the bladder (cystocele), rectum (rectocele), uterus (uterine prolapse) or vagina (enterocele). The decision to augment a surgical repair with mesh (either for incontinence or prolapse) is made together by the patient and the surgeon.
- Hysterectomy (with or without removal of ovaries)
- Vaginal & Uterine Suspension Procedures
Procedures include uterosacral suspension, sacrospinous ligament fixation and sacrocolpopexy. - Perineoplasty
- Anal Sphincteroplasty
- Restoration of Normal Vaginal Caliber
- Labioplasty
- Mesh Complication Surgery
To remove previously placed mesh which has resulted in pain or other complications. - Fistula Repair (Vesicovaginal, Rectovaginal)
- Obliterative Procedures (Colpocleisis)