The summative evaluation of student performance and final grade in the clerkship will be determined by the Clerkship Director. You should receive your final evaluation approximately four weeks after completion of the clerkship. You may direct questions about your final evaluation to the Clerkship Director (CD); however 1) The CD will not discuss the accuracy of comments made unless you have objective evidence to the contrary; 2) The CD will not discuss your evaluation relative to another student’s; 3) The CD will not change a grade unless there is objective evidence that a mistake was made in some portion of the calculation. Your summative evaluation and final grade are comprised of the following three components:
- Competency (Clinical) Evaluations: 60%
- NBME Subject Examination: 20%
- Oral Examination: 20%
Competency (Clinical) Evaluations – 60%
Your summative evaluation will be determined by the Clerkship Director using feedback received from clerkship educators, including but not limited to faculty, residents, nurses, surgical techs, diabetes educators, midwives, genetic counselors, and ARNP’s. This evaluation will be based on observations of student activities while engaged in direct patient care and participation in the didactic curriculum. The evaluation includes an assessment of the student’s knowledge base, clinical duties, clinical and surgical skills, ability to act as a team player, written and verbal communication on rounds and in conferences, attitude, compassion for patients’ well-being, and assertiveness in self-directed learning.
This is the form your evaluators will use-: Student Evaluation
- Professionalism 20%
- Patient Care 10%
- Medical Knowledge 10%
- Interpersonal Skills and Communication 10%
- Systems Based Practice 10%
NBME Subject Examination – 20%
On the final day of the clerkship you will take the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME ) subject examination in Obstetrics and Gynecology. You must score at or above the 6th percentile on this exam in order to pass the clerkship. The 6th percentile score will be determined based on the academic quarter in which you take your exam. A failing performance (<6th percentile) will result in an Incomplete (I) final grade for the clerkship. One opportunity to retake and pass the exam will be offered. The two exam scores will be averaged to determine a new final exam score. The final grade may be no higher than a “B.” Failing the examination twice will usually result in presentation before the Academic Status Committee and possibly repeating the clerkship.
Oral Examination – 20%
Each student will take an oral examination during the last week of the clerkship, which will be administered by a faculty member. The exam will be based on a case list of six selected cases prepared by the student. The purpose of the examination is to evaluate the student’s ability to present clinical information in a well-organized manner, to discuss the pathophysiology, diagnostic evaluation, differential diagnosis, and treatment options, and to demonstrate clinical reasoning skills. For more information, please visit the Oral Examination page.