PATH (Gynecologic Pathology and Cytology)
Patient Workup and Presentation
ARNP Clinic
(Specific ARNP listed on your schedule) (ARNP names are Pierce, Adams and McKey)
Time: AM & PM. Location: WHG.
The ARNP clinics have a lot of bread-and-butter obstetrics and gynecology and you will be able to learn history taking and physical exam skills.
Read about topics appropriate for the outpatient setting.
You will be assigned to a half-day clinic. You will take patient histories, perform physical exams, and present to the ARNP and possibly the CCC Attending. Your ARNP clinic will be assigned by the last name of the ARNP to whom you are assigned.
Providers will evaluate your ability to do a focused history and physical and develop a differential diagnosis and management plan. They will also evaluate your basic clinical knowledge and reasoning skills and professionalism based on your interactions with patients and staff.
Board Rounds
(See OB Weekly Schedule).
Time: Monday – Friday at 8-830 AM. Location: Nurses lounge in L & D until the renovations are complete in L & D.
This is the formal hand-off of patients from one shift to the next, and is designed to acquaint all providers with the patients in L&D. In addition, common problems in antepartum and intrapartum women will be discussed.
Discussion is usually at the first and second year level which is very appropriate for you. You may, occasionally, be asked a question at your level.
You will be evaluated based on your professional behavior during this conference and based on your knowledge of basic topics in obstetrics.
Case-Based Conferences
Time: Monday-Friday, mainly 1200-1300 or 1600-1700, however can be scheduled at other times depending on faculty availability. Location: MCR or WHG Conference Room.
Increase your knowledge of core topics.
For each conference topic you have been given 1 to 4 cases with questions (see Modcore) You must read for the answers to the questions associated with each case. In addition to Beckmann, it is expected you will read in the text books available to you. Read the entire chapter even if the CBC covers only part of it.
You will participate in the discussion of the cases. Attendance is required unless you are at an off campus assignment, L&D shadowing or involved in a clinical event of better educational value.
Faculty will evaluate you on your preparation, knowledge and participation.
CLINIC (CCC) = Resident Continuity Care Clinic
You will be assigned by the resident you will work with; see Gainesville Activities Roster for the name of the specific resident.
Time: AM & PM. Location: WHG
To learn outpatient management of antepartum and postpartum obstetric and general gynecologic problems in the continuity clinics of the residents.
Read about topics appropriate for the outpatient setting.
You will be assigned for half-day clinics with a resident. Initially you will shadow the provider. As your skills increase you will be given more responsibility, including taking histories and performing examinations.
Providers will evaluate your ability to do a focused history and physical examination and develop a differential diagnosis and plan of management. You will be evaluated on your basic knowledge and clinical reasoning skills as well as your professionalism in your interactions.
(By assignment on your individual schedule).
Time: Tuesday pm. Location: WHG.
To learn management of abnormal Pap smears.
Review the most recent Pap smear guidelines. You may also access the ASCCP colposcopy course listed in the “References and Resources” section.
You will participate in review of the history, discussion of indications for colposcopy, and observe the colposcopy, including looking through the colposcope.
The resident or ARNP will evaluate the appropriate competencies.
Dr. Stone’s Seminar
As assigned on CBC Schedule.
To discuss with Dr. Stone, the former Chairman of our department and international expert on vulvovaginal diseases, various practical topics relevant to OB/GYN and Medicine.
As appropriate to topic and format.
Dr. Stone will evaluate your ability to write admission orders and prescriptions at the end of the rotation.
Florida Surgical Center (FSC) OR
(As assigned on your individual schedule.)
Time: Mondays or Fridays. Location: FSC.
Check with the Gyn intern (who goes there each Friday), or the G3 (who goes there on Mondays) to see which cases are scheduled. The FSC is located at the corner of Hull Road and SW 34th Street behind the UF & Shands Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Institute. You cannot see the building from the road, you have to turn down Hull Road and drive past the Ortho building. It is located at the end of this road on your right. You can park in front of the building in free patient parking. The phone number is (352) 733-8800.
Become familiar with common gynecologic procedures that may be performed on an outpatient basis.
The day before surgery, find out from the resident you will be working with what procedures will be performed and what time the cases start. Read about the patient’s diagnosis and planned procedure. Scrubs are available at FSC. Wear your nametag.
Drive yourself to FSC and plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early. You will still be expected to attend morning rounds at the hospital, as well as Core Lecture on Mondays and Grand Rounds on Fridays. You may have to leave Grand Rounds early in order to get to FSC on time. When all of the cases have been completed, you are free unless there are other student activities such as CBC. When you arrive, tell them at the front desk that you are a medical student working with the Gynecology service, and they will direct you to pre-op holding, where you can meet the resident or the attending. Review the chart with them. Observe or scrub.
The faculty and residents will evaluate the applicable competencies.
Genetic Counseling
(By assignment on your individual schedule. You will work with our Genetic Counselor Jill Hendrickson)
Time: Thursday PM. Location: WHG left hall Room 4263.
Genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis is a rapidly expanding field which is being more and more frequently discussed in the lay press, especially as women delay childbearing. After this session you will understand the issues and be familiar with how patients are educated.
Review topics in genetics from the basic sciences and previous clinical clerkships. Read about genetic counseling and screening and diagnostic tests available during pregnancy.
You will observe genetic counseling and discussions of prenatal screening and diagnosis. You may be asked about your observations.
The genetic counselor will evaluate the applicable competencies using the form provided in the syllabus. Give it to her with your name and her name filled in. Tell her to complete it and place it in the folder the clerkship has provided in her office. It will be collected every 6 weeks and will be included in your summative evaluation.
Grand Rounds
Time: Friday 7:00-8:00AM. Location: MCR.
Topics of interest to the entire department are presented. See the monthly schedule on your bulletin board.
You are expected to attend and be on time. You may ask questions to clarify and increase your knowledge.
You are not evaluated.
(By assignment on your individual schedule).
Time: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Location: GYN OR’s, usually OR 16, 17, or 21 in the North Tower. Check the OR schedule or ask your resident to confirm the room.
Become familiar with commonly performed gynecologic surgical procedures.
The evening before surgery, discuss the next day’s schedule with the Chief Resident. Read about the patient’s problem/procedure the night before surgery.
You should come to the OR before the start of the case to review the chart with the residents or attending in order to understand why the surgery is being done. Typically there is a “preop huddle” at 0745 in preop holding. Do not hesitate to leave the OR after the case has begun if there is little for you to learn during the operation or if you have a CBC assigned. Always wear your nametag and introduce yourself to OR personnel.
The faculty and residents will evaluate the applicable competencies, including basic core knowledge and professionalism.
GYN Preoperative Conference
(All students unless assigned off campus or scrubbed into an Oncology case must attend, including the day of the end-of-rotation debriefing.)
Time: Thursday 2:00PM. Location: MCR.
Become familiar with preoperative assessment for gynecology patients.
You may be asked questions appropriate for your level of training. You may be asked to give a brief presentation on a relevant topic
The faculty and residents will evaluate the applicable competencies.
High Risk GYN Clinic (HRGYN)
With the 3rd and 4th year residents on the Gynecology service as well as two Gynecology Division faculty members.
Time: Thursday AM. Location: WHG
To learn about management of complicated gynecologic patients. These patients may have complicated surgical problems, or may have medical conditions that significantly impact their gynecologic care.
Read about topics appropriate for the outpatient setting.
You will be assigned for a half-day clinic. Initially you will shadow the provider. As your skills increase you will be given more responsibility, including taking histories and performing examinations.
Providers will evaluate your ability to do a focused history and physical examination and develop a differential diagnosis and plan of management. You will be evaluated on your basic knowledge and clinical reasoning skills as well as your professionalism in your interactions.
High Risk OB Clinic
(By assignment on your individual schedule)
Time: Monday AM, Wednesday AM, & Friday AM. Location: WHG.
To learn the outpatient management of antepartum obstetric problems.
Read about common high risk obstetric problems.
Pair yourself with a provider for the morning. Initially you will go in together to see patients, but as your skills improve, you will go in alone and then come out and present the patient.
Providers will evaluate the applicable competencies.
(By assignment on your individual schedule).
Time: Tuesday AM Location: WHG.
To learn the indications for loop electro excision procedure (LEEP) or cone biopsy, and to further your understanding of management of abnormal Pap smears and cervical cytology.
Review the most recent Pap smear guidelines.
You will review the indications for LEEP and management of cervical dysplasia. You will observe the consent process and the LEEP procedure.
The faculty and residents will evaluate the applicable competencies.
OB Call
(By assignment on your individual schedule)
Time: Monday -Thursday: 0630 – 0630, Friday 0630-0800, Saturday 0800-0800, Sunday 0800-0630. Location: L&D.
To learn how to interact with and care for women in labor. To learn how to perform uncomplicated vaginal deliveries and how to suture.
The greater your knowledge of labor and delivery and the more skilled at knot tying, the more you will do and the more you will learn.
One student is on-call in L&D at the times above from the morning of the date on the schedule to the next morning. Change into scrubs as soon as you arrive. You are responsible to the resident “running the board” and should always let them know where you are and if you are leaving the unit. Put your full name and cell phone number on the small dry erase board provided. Since you do not have an individual assignment the next day, at night you are expected to follow your patients, write notes at the appropriate intervals and be available for deliveries. See “What the residents want you to know about your responsibilities on the OB service”.
Residents and faculty will evaluate the applicable competencies.
Oncology OR
(By assignment on your individual schedule.)
Time: Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday. Location: OR 16, 17, or 18, North Tower.
Become familiar with gynecologic oncology surgical procedures.
The evening before surgery, check the OR schedule to find out what cases are scheduled and in which room. Read on the particular problem and procedure.
Be sure you are in the OR before 0800! Present to the OR and introduce yourself as the Gyn Oncology residents and faculty. Always wear your nametag and introduce yourself to OR personnel. Observe or scrub as directed. You are expected to return if you leave for CBC. You want to get the most out of your OR day so take advantage of every educational opportunity.
The faculty and residents will evaluate the applicable competencies.
PATH (gynecologic pathology and cytology)
(By assignment on your individual schedules). You will work with Dr. Wilkinson, Dr. Massoll, and other gyn pathology faculty. The contact number is 265-0238 for secretary Karen Hyde.
Time: Monday-Friday, AM & PM. Location: Surgical Pathology room 3151.
To learn about Gyn pathology and cytology as clinically applied in the pathology laboratory. To have an opportunity to see “behind the scenes” how specimens are prepared and evaluated.
Review topics in Gyn pathology and cytology from the basic sciences. Be familiar the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) Guidelines and American Cancer Society (ACS) Guidelines for Pap testing ( Review the Ob/Gyn surgery schedule for your day so you are prepared for grossing of specimens and frozen section studies on scheduled cases. Wear your white coat with nametag.
Observe with the faculty in the surgical pathology and frozen section rooms and in the Gyn and cytopathology sign-out areas where Ob/Gyn cases are submitted and reviewed. You may be asked about your observations.
Patient Workup and Presentation
(This is one of the items you need to have signed off on your Skills and Achievements Form).
Time: Any clinic to which you are assigned. Location: WHG.
To learn how to present an obstetric or gynecologic patient in a concise and complete manner.
You should present a patient you are evaluating in the clinic to the attending physician staffing the clinic. You will see the patient, complete her history and physical with the resident then present the patient to the clinic attending. You can use the patients chart as a reference if necessary.
You you will present a patient you are seeing in clinic to a faculty member. The patient should be presented as though you are the person seeing her in the clinic and making the decisions regarding plans for treatment. The presentation should include the patient’s chief complaint, history of present illness, past medical/surgical history, past obstetrics and gynecology history, current medications, allergies, social history, family history and review of systems. We want as concise a presentation as possible, so if there is nothing pertinent in any of these categories, say so and move on. The patient’s physical exam should then be presented, again, in as concise a fashion as possible. The exam should begin with a general description of the patient, followed by her vital signs. The length of the remainder of the presentation of the physical exam should be dictated by the complexity of the problem/findings. A complete description of the pelvic exam should always be given. Then a review of pertinent laboratory or radiologic data should be presented followed by your impression and plan. The impression should include a complete differential diagnosis, and the reasons why one particular diagnosis is most suspect. The plan for surgery (if applicable) or work-up of the problem should then be described.
The entire presentation, from beginning to end, should take no more than 10 minutes. Your presentation will then be reviewed and constructive criticism will be offered. Our goal is for you to present a patient in a concise and structured manner and for you to be able to generate a complete differential diagnoses ranked in order of likelihood.
The faculty member will evaluate your competency and provide you with immediate feedback. Have them sign off on your OBGYN Skills & Achievements List and also include in your online Patient Log.
Resident Core Lectures
Time: Monday 0700-0745. Location: BCR.
Increase your knowledge of topics in general OB/GYN. Although this lecture series is primarily for the residents, you will find it educational.
You may ask questions to clarify and increase your knowledge.
You are not evaluated.
(By assignment on your individual schedule.)
Time: 0700-1200. Location: L&D.
To acquaint you with what it is like to be a patient and a nurse in Labor & Delivery. You will also learn about teamwork and communication with other providers.
You will shadow a L&D nurse, at least from 0700-1200 shift. You may stay later if it is of educational value. Change into scrubs as soon as you arrive and report by 7:00am to the charge nurse in L&D for your assignment. You must leave rounds in order to arrive on time, and the other students on your team will need to finish rounds for you. Primarily you are observing, and the amount of hands-on activity will vary considerably.
Nurses will evaluate applicable competencies using the appropriate evaluation form. Give it to them with your and their name filled in. Tell them they should complete it and either give it to you, give it to Dr. Madani or place it in the wall box in the nurse’s lounge.
Team Rounds-Obstetrics
(All students per OB block schedule).
Time: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday at 0700. Tuesday and Thursday to be determined. Location: L&D Board in Resident Lounge. Note: this schedule is currently in flux. Make sure to ask your resident where you should be and what you should be doing.
To learn the inpatient management of antepartum obstetric problems.
You are expected to know the patients assigned to you and to have made rounds and written notes, etc. on them each morning along with the residents. Morning rounds may begin at different times depending on the patient census so ask the residents the day before.
As you round with the senior residents, you will be expected to present your patients to the faculty member during formal team rounds. You should participate in the discussions and ask questions to increase your knowledge.
Residents and faculty will evaluate the applicable competencies.
Team Rounds- Gynecology
(All students per Gyn block schedule).
Time: to be determined by the chief resident. Location: Ward 6 East, North Tower, but soon to change to Ward 95, South Tower.
To learn basic gynecologic postoperative care and understand the inpatient management of patients with certain gynecologic disorders.
See and evaluate your patient(s) and write a “SOAP” note before rounding with the residents. Read about your patient(s) particular problem/procedure. Be sure to find out the day before what time rounds will be, as these changes daily.
Present your patient(s) to the residents and be prepared to answer questions related to her problem/procedure.
The residents will evaluate the applicable competencies.
Teen Clinc (With Dr. Mulvihill):
(By assignment on your individual schedule.)
Time: Tuesday AM. Location: WHG.
To learn about OB and GYN issues facing teenagers, as well as to learn how to communicate with this patient population.
Pair yourself with Dr.Mulvihill or Martha Jean Pierce, ARNP. Initially you will go in together to see patients, but as your skills improve, you will go in alone and then come out and present the patient.
Faculty will evaluate the applicable competencies.
(By assignment on your individual schedule.)
Time: AM or PM. Location: WHG