What the Residents Want You to Know: Gynecology
(Written by the Residents)
Medical Student Role on Gynecology in Gainesville
We are very excited to have you on our service. We appreciate students who work hard and are enthusiastic. We hope to provide you with some pointers. Some of this information is in flux since the implementation of EPIC and with some changes in conference schedules. Please ask your residents if you have any questions about what you are doing or where you should be.
One of you should call, text, or page the intern each evening to learn the time and location of morning rounds. That person should call/e-mail/text the remainder of your classmates to let them know. On first day of the rotation (Tuesday) you are responsible for being there on time.
During the rotation switch (at the halfway point) you are responsible for contacting the intern the night before to find out the time and location of rounds. We expect you to be there on Monday morning on time. You do not need to pre-round on those 2 days only.
With the exception of the above 2 days only — One to two students should come in 15 minutes early and check the gynecology service census in the morning for any overnight add-ons. You will need to get this information from the night team. Occasionally there will be multiple admissions in one night (Round on any GYN Attending name other than Morgan/Castagno/Buchanan). All gyn patients should have notes written on them before team rounds.
Everyone should be present to round each morning. Important things to always include in notes are: Tmax and T current, last BP and BP ranges in pt with HTN, Chemsticks in patients with Diabetes, I/Os.
(Students should have notes completed at least 5 minutes before rounds are scheduled so that rounds can begin on time. Our patients are on ward 6 East, South Tower, but this will be changing soon to 95, North Tower. Make sure you ask the residents where the patients are located.
The OR schedule is on-line and the student who will be in the OR must read up (the night before) on the patient and the procedures that will be done that day. Do not focus on details of the steps of surgery. Instead, review basic anatomy, indications for the procedure is being done, workup and management of the patient’s problem, etc. Being prepared shows interest and reflects professional competency.
The OR student is responsible for the post-op notes that day/afternoon (does not apply to Oncology patients). The note can be done no earlier than 2 hours after the procedure and is only to be done on patients being admitted.
Unassigned students are responsible for afternoon notes on the patients. Afternoon rounds should be done before 3pm. (does not apply to Oncology patients.)
Progress Notes
We use the SOAP note format. You can ask your team to help you find an appropriate template in EPIC. You will present your patient each morning to the entire team. If it is the patient’s first hospital day, or the patient got admitted while you were on call, you should present a CONDENSED version of the H&P to the team. We will go over this on day one. Please, DO NOT WRITE ANTHING YOU THINK MAYBE CONTROVERSIAL. Bring any concerns to the immediate attention of your resident (ie- chest pain, lower leg edema). You should develop an assessment and plan independently and we will help modify it on rounds. We want to see you are trying to reason through clinical problems.
We will usually teach on rounds, so be prepared to ask and answer questions about different gynecologic problems. We will try to discuss the most commonly found topics on your exams to help you prepare.
Post OP Note Example
****If you’re not sure how to formulate a note use the last note written by a resident as a guide.
We will have conference on Thursday afternoon at 1400-1545. You are also expected to attend Core Lecture at 0700 in the Barron Conference Room on Mondays, and Grand Rounds at 0700 (same place) on Fridays according to the schedule. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MUST STILL ATTEND GYN CONFERENCE THE LAST DAY OF YOUR ROTATION BEFORE THE DEBRIEFING!